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Blue - Surf Review

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>> Blue-Surf Manual Traffic Exchange

Blue-Surf Manual Traffic Exchange LogoWelcome to Blue-Surf, a new, exciting, custom made manual traffic exchange. If you are new to traffic exchanges, you can think of it like an agreement. Once you're a member here, other members will look at your web sites and offers in exchange for looking at theirs. When you're advertising to other like-minded individuals, you're sure to get targeted traffic that is interested in your offers.

So what does manual mean? It's quite simple really. When our members are viewing sites they must correctly identify an icon on the page. This ensures that they are actually viewing the pages and not using some sort of cheating software. You will have real eyes on your sites all of the time.

The beauty of Blue-Surf is that you get what you put in. The more you view websites -- the more traffic you get, giving you potentially unlimited free targeted traffic. Also, we'll reward you for being a member by throwing in some sweet bonuses. You can also take advantage of our advertising packages to get as many visitors as you need without viewing other web sites, if that's your thing. So give it a shot!

New member? Sign up!

Scott Martin, Founder & Owner, Blue-Surf
Scott Martin
Founder, Owner
Take a look at our packages below. If you like what you see, go ahead and sign up for a free account. It only takes a minute. If you have any questions before you sign up, go ahead and browse the FAQ's. If you still have a question, feel free to drop us a line. We look forward to having YOU as a member, and hope you enjoy our services!

Blue-Surf Packages

Surf Ratio: 3:1
URLs: 5
Banners: 5
Banner Views: 15 views per credit
Text Links: 5
Text Link Views: 15 views per credit
Random Referrals: No
Credits From Referrals Surfing: 5%
Commissions On Upgrade Purchases: 10%
Commissions on Credit Purchases: 0%
Price: free
Surf Ratio: 4:3
URLs: 10
Banners: 10
Banner Views: 25 views per credit
Text Links: 10
Text Link Views: 25 views per credit
Random Referrals: Yes
Credits From Referrals Surfing: 7.5%
Monthly Credits: 250
Monthly Banners: 1500
Monthly Text Links: 1500
Comissions On Upgrade Purchases: 25%
Comissions On Credit Purchases: 5%
Price: $5.95/month
Surf Ratio: 1:1
URLs: 100
Banners: 30
Banner Views: 35 views per credit
Text Links: 30
Text Link Views: 35 views per credit
Random Referrals: Yes
Credits From Referrals Surfing: 10%
Monthly Credits: 500
Monthly Banners: 3000
Monthly Text Links: 3000
Commissions On Upgrade Purchases: 40%
Commissions On Credit Purchases: 10%
Price: $10/month

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