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Start Xchange Review

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Our 100% Free Manual Traffic Exchange is Easy to Use, and Delivers Traffic Fast!
Offline when you meet someone you can swap business cards. Manual traffic exchanges work much the same way. You view websites, and in return other members will view your website.

You don't have to spend time looking around for people interested in swapping links. You don't have to make sure the person actually viewed your site. We do it for you. And we've got thousands of members ready and willing to visit your site. Won't you let them?


  • Free / $6 / $14.95 Month (Free / Gold / Platinum)
  • 3:1 / 2:1 / 1:1 Surf Ratios
  • 10 Second Surfbar Timer
  • 5% / 10% / 20% Referral Earnings
  • 7:10 / 8:10 / 9:10 Banner Exchange
  • Up to 25% Surfing Bonus

At the very core of any manual traffic exchange, is activity. With it they succeed and without it they die away. StartXchange is no exception and has put into place many ways to reward users for being active. And because of this, members here are very active.

The forefront of our activity is the activity levels. The more pages you view, the higher you'll rank. Each level increases the amount of traffic you earn by increasing your surfing bonus. Your surfing bonus also increases when you complete a checklist. This checklist has various items that change periodically.. Like showing your support by linking to us, or participating in the traffic exchange forum, or even uploading a photo of yourself to show us who you are.


Hit exchanges can be dull and boring. It can seem like you are the only one there. To help alleviate this StartXchange is built around a manual traffic exchange community. It starts in our forum, and continues throughout the site.

In the forum members are always swapping ideas about getting better results. They are helping each other learn the ropes of our exchange, and they are even forming traffic teams to compete against each other!

On the surfbar you'll always see how many members are surfing.. It's not unusual to see it pass 100! Within your members area you can see who viewed your website.. So you know for sure it's real people! You'll also see photos of other members that are surfing, to remind you that it's not just you here!


Technology changes fast. With StartXchange you have an owner, Tim Linden, who specializes in PHP programming. In fact he's personally programmed many of the other traffic exchanges online today.

As traffic exchanges evolve, StartXchange leads the way. With the owner able to make the updates himself, there isn't a waiting game with a programmer. Members regularly suggest features in the forum and find those features added quickly.


StartXchange has been around since 2001. With over 6 years of exchanging traffic under it's belt, you can rest assured it'll be here for years to come. When other websites are created, StartXchange is here. When other websites fail, StartXchange is here.

By joining StartXchange you'll be joining the fun filled world of traffic exchanges. So create a free account, and get ready for a fun ride of advertising your website!

New - StartXchange is part of the SuperSurf 5. This is a group of the best manual traffic exchanges partnering together to give you more traffic to your website. The SuperSurf exchanges are StartXchange, Advertising Knowhow, Dragon Surf, I Love Hits, and Traffic-Splash. These exchanges joining together mean more new visitors to your site!

Join our Manual Traffic Exchange Today!

There is nothing to lose, only traffic to gain! Accounts are free, you won't get flooded with emails and offers, and you can delete your account anytime if you think it's not for you!

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